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Showing posts from February, 2023

Shift To Green Procurement

  Introduction Green procurement is an emerging trend in the business world that involves the use of environmentally sustainable and socially responsible purchasing practices. It refers to the process of buying products and services that have minimal negative impact on the environment and human health. In recent years, there has been a shift towards green procurement in both the private and public sectors. This essay will discuss the reasons for the shift towards green procurement and the benefits it offers to businesses. Reasons for the Shift Towards Green Procurement One of the main reasons for the shift towards green procurement is the growing concern about the impact of human activities on the environment. Businesses are under increasing pressure from consumers, regulators, and stakeholders to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable practices. Green procurement is seen as a way for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibili

Methods Of Cost Reduction in Floriculture.

  Introduction Cost reduction is one of the most important factors that firms consider in order to remain competitive in the market. Floriculture firms, which are involved in the production and sale of flowers and ornamental plants, face a number of cost challenges that can impact their profitability. This essay will explore different forms of cost reduction that can be implemented by floriculture firms. Reducing Labor Costs One of the biggest expenses for floriculture firms is labor costs. One way to reduce labor costs is to introduce automation into the production process. Automation can reduce the need for manual labor and can help to increase efficiency. For example, some firms use automated irrigation systems to water plants, which reduces the need for manual labor. Another way to reduce labor costs is to outsource certain tasks, such as packaging and shipping, to third-party companies. This can help to reduce the number of employees needed and can also help to reduce overhead cos

Pillars To Stop FGM in Kenya

The main pillars for firghting and stopping FGM are as follows; Alter customs with the help of the elderly; for example, grandmothers used to share morality tales in the form of fables and fairy tales. But, today's youth aren't interested in learning. Sexual instruction was also typically imparted by grandparents. Even if we've lost that function, it should be brought back in my opinion. Girls should be given the information necessary to make informed decisions about their bodies, as many young women are not aware of the risks associated with FGM. Kids need to be taught why it's better off without it and what will happen if they try it. Raise awareness of the dangers and consequences of FGM. There is a need for open dialogue about FGM and its mental and physical effects on girls and women so that they are no longer forced to endure this trauma alone. The older women in a family should lead the way in promoting a society that rejects FGM by teaching their daughters to sp

Rise In Social Media Demand

  The twenty-first century has seen the rise of social media as the most widely discussed topic on the entire planet. This has led to a significant shift in the culture of a large number of countries and contributed to their higher level of development. There are a lot of people that completely rely on social media to make their purchases, including their necessities and even their luxuries. The demand for products from this industry has gone up for a number of reasons, including the fact that low-cost electronics are easy to find and that there are many different kinds to suit different tastes. An expectation of a completely interconnected world is a project that is currently under way and will soon get off the ground. These platforms have brought a large number of people from far away closer together and improved their relationships, which has fostered economic growth.

How To Write SEO (Step by step)

This post will show tips on how to write SEO as a competent content creator and a blogger.  T his is a step by step tutorial on doing the same; Make a title that will perform well in searches. Key phrases should be used within the first 65 characters of the title. Be sure your abstract is optimized. Make sure the first two sentences of your abstract contain your most important information. Include relevant keywords in your entire piece. Hone your consistency; always consider using the author's last name followed by their initials when referencing their work. Get connected. Share this article on your various social media, professional networking, and academic websites.